Bali Starling Conservation in Bali Safari Park to Save It from Extinction

Bali starling

Bali Starling is the name of a native Balinese bird that is threatened with extinction. This species is now under a conservation program to protect their species. You can see these rare noble birds at Bali Starling Aviary. You can also see other types of birds, namely parrots and colorful macaws.

Bali Starling was originally found in the Curik area, namely the northwestern part of the island of Bali. You can identify this unique bird species by seeing its white feathers and a distinctive blue mark around its eyes. Another feature of Bali starch is the black wingtip with striking feathers on the top of the head.

Bali Starling is famous for its beautiful white fur with wingtip and black tail and bright blue skin around its eyes. Male and female Bali starlings have a similar appearance, but male Bali Starlings are slightly larger than female Bali Starlings.

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Bali Starling also has another name, namely Bali Mynah or Rothchild’s Mynah. The Bali Starling name in the form of Rothchild’s Mynah was given as a tribute to a British bird expert named Walter Rothschild. The expert first discovered the bird species in 1911.

Currently the species consists of less than one hundred Bali Starlings in the wild. The limited species is due to the loss of the natural habitat of the Bali Starling and the existence of poaching activities.

The study said that there were only 6 individuals left in the wild in 2001. Finally, a breeding program was carried out, so that currently there are around a thousand Bali Starlings or Bali Mynah throughout the world. The program succeeded in increasing the Bali Starling bird population.

The bird named Bali Mynah or with the Latin name Leucopsar Rothschildi is indeed included in the second rarest bird in the world. Bali mynah usually lives in lowland forest areas in the area of ​​North West Bali.

At present, various efforts are being made by the government and non-government institutions to preserve and increase the population of Bali Starlings in various places in Bali. The area includes the West Bali National Park, Nusa Penida Island, and also the Conservation section at Bali Safari Marine Park.

Bali Starling Conservation in Bali Safari Park to Save It from Extinction 1
Bird Aviary

You who want to see the beauty of Bali Starling can visit Bali Safari Park. Besides Bali Starling, you can also watch various other animals. In fact, you can also see a variety of animals that are rare or endangered when visiting Bali Safari Park.

You can buy tickets for the 4×4 Safari package to explore Bali Safari Park. You will be taken to the area of ​​Bali Safari Park, whose village is in harmony with nature to keep the natural habitat of animals. When you walk around, you will be accompanied by a guide.

You can go around using a jeep or using tram that has been provided by the manager of Bali Safari Park, depending on the package you purchased. Animals that you can see at close range include Zebras, Hippos, Elephants, Sumatran Tigers, Orangutans, and many more animals in the Bali Safari Park.

You can also watch animal shows that can educate about the importance of protecting animals and help preserve the native habitat of these animals. natural balance needs to be guarded by maintaining each other and not disturbing each other’s habitat. Shows that you can see are Tiger shows and Elephant shows.

You who like challenges can also enjoy lunch at a restaurant and be accompanied by the King of the Forest. You can visit Tsavo Restaurant to dine with the lions. You who want to feel adrenaline more challenged can visit Bali Safari park at night. You who are interested in the nuances of the night, then you will take the Safari Night ticket. Feel the thrill sensation by visiting Bali Safari Park at night.


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